President's Page

A Note from the SoPrez

Dear Friends:

It’s a wonderful feeling to have a new beginning (2025), and I hope this greeting finds you in good health and good spirits. Many of us are rockin’ and rollin’ along community, school, synagogue and church rehearsals. Now is the time for effective teaching so our choristers can build upon the foundation that was established last fall. Most importantly, I hope everyone is having fun with the process! This is just a brief letter to highlight some information within our region.

New Region Logo

Last fall, we launched a new region logo. For many years, Southern would adopt the upcoming regional conference’s logo. I felt it was time for a change and an upgrade. I desired to have a design that shouts, “We Are Southern,” and very pleased with the result.

2025 National Conference

All roads, and flight paths, lead to Dallas, Texas March 18-22. You are aware of the action-packed conference that will inform, inspire, and improve our craft as choral directors. Pre-registration ends February 6 and I’m sure you have received your most recent edition of the Choral Journal with the entire conference schedule.

Southern will host a reception on Thursday, March 20 from 10:00-midnight at the Sheraton Dallas Ballroom C. You are all invited to come and partake of desserts, buy a beverage of choice, and fellowship with one another. We will share some highlights of the 2026 Southern Convention “Prism of Voices” in Memphis; you’ll walk away with a little swag too…

Call for 2026 Performing Choirs and Interest Sessions

The official Calls have been released. Here are a few points that will hopefully satisfy many queries:

The submission window opened March 1, 2025, and will close April 16, 2025

Performing Choir Auditions will consist of three selections:

2024-2025 or 2025 calendar year
2023-2024 or 2024 calendar year
2022-2023 or 2023 calendar year

Representative programs are required for each year submitted

A proposed program is required. When choosing literature for this 25-minute program, you are asked to strongly consider diversity in literature through a variety of genres and composers/arrangers of underrepresented groups and reflect the conference theme.

Interest Session Submissions

We call upon our membership in all repertoire and resource areas to share their insights for a 50-minute presentation that will engage our ACDA audience. All varieties of session topics related to the choral art are welcomed. We are particularly interested in topics that align with the conference theme and sessions that meet the needs of our diverse community.

The official Calls contain detailed information and guidelines for adherence. I am grateful for Sara Lynn Baird, Performing Choir Auditions Chair, and Alison Mann, Interest Sessions Chair.

Wishing you all peace and well-being.


Jeffery Ames

President (2024-26)
[email protected]